Miri Fhey

A wandering Monster Hunter and Alchemist. Miri is an Ala Mhigan refugee that was raised in Gridania. Despite the many hardships she's endured, it is rare to ever see her without a smile on her face. She is always looking for new faces and new stories.Bathhouse Manager of the Traveler's Respite. (Temporarily Closed)
Hostess at the Dragon's Den.

Did you know?

  • Miri tries to learn something new everywhere she goes, even if she has already been there before.

  • Miri got into a fight with a tree and lost, or rather the ground beat her up when she fell out of it.

  • Miri has lovingly been called the 'cat-zerker' from her random and absurd feats of strength.

About Her

  • Age: 21

  • Gender: Female (Transfem)

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Relationship Status: Married but Open

  • Appearance: She has a very wiry frame, stands at only 4'10", smattered with freckles and small scars, slim but toned and firm muscles

  • Profession: Alchemist, Monster Hunter, and Host

  • Loves: Tea, delicious food, and fun-loving people!

  • Likes: Cherry blossoms, traveling, kicking ass, getting her ass kicked (?), swimming

  • Dislikes: Pickles, politics, bees

  • Hates: People who don't know how to have fun

  • Hobbies: Archery, mixology, dancing, fishing

Story Hooks

  • If you live in Gridania you've likely run into Miri before. Growing up she was commonly mistaken for a boy, and was frequently picked on for it. She may not be recognizable at first due to this, but her eyes and freckles are unmistakable.

  • She currently lives in Shirogane. Those that live in the area might be familiar with a foreign mercenary that takes contracts across Hingashi and Othard. Her jobs are mostly focused in the Steppe, so Xaela may recognize her if they still visit the region.

  • She has quite a bit of depth to her character, but a great way to get to know her is to simply joke around with or have fun with her. You'll find she's very receptive to talking to anyone.

OOC Notes

I prefer all of my RP partners to be 18+! I'm CST but have a terrible sleep schedule so honestly I could be on anytime. I prefer long-term RP (recognizing each other later, becoming friends, etc.) but I don't mind small one-offs. I've had over a decade of RP experience, so I'm open to most things. If in doubt, shoot me a tell to ask. I like to inject lots of humor into my RP, so if that doesn't vibe well then we probably won't be a good fit. I think you can be heavily in character while still having fun with each other.You'll likely see me out and about with people. Feel free to hop in, I don't like turning people away. If I wanted something private I'd go somewhere private. I have some troubles with scheduling, but if you'd like to find me you can always find me at...

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General Info
Miri is trans so do be aware that she will have a dick. I do prefer some amount of build-up before a scene, so please do approach me if you're interested! I like a bit of teasing and back and forth, but I play Miri as very dense so you'll have to be very clear about your interest.

Scene Preferences
I'm open to pretty much anything as long as it is written well and if in doubt send a tell to ask or even just ask in character. I'm an experimentalist so I will try just about anything. Though, I do prefer scenes that have foreplay.

Partner Preferences
If you can vibe well with Miri's energy, humor, and demeanor then we will get along just fine. She can be easy to please, but on the same token she is more than happy to keep someone as only a conversation partner if they don't spark anything for her.